Design challenges in food & beverage

Jul 9, 2020 | Webinars

Design challenges in food & beverage

How do we use design to intentionally navigate the complexity emerging from the crisis, and not just stumble into predictable defaults?

Maybe you’ve been enjoying a ‘Quarantini’ over a Zoom call with friends… or staring at the empty shelves of flour at the supermarket? Did you support your local restaurant on weekly takeaway night… or were you dreaming about a Michelin 3-star picnic in the park?

As COVID-19 disrupts our relationship with food and drink, we discuss:
What are the new roles that food and beverage companies could play in this shifting global experience?
How should alcohol companies respond when a packed bar on Friday night evokes more anxiety than excitement?
With food and beverage consumption shifting towards the home space, how do we deliver experiential value?

And most importantly, how do we use design to intentionally navigate the complexity emerging from the crisis, and not just stumble into predictable defaults.

Interested? …Watch our webinar ‘Design Challenges in the Food & Beverage Experience’ now!

Read More  Designing for the gender experience

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