Quantum Jakarta is hosting their first Consumer Perspectives Q & A - a virtual Zoom event on Thursday 24th November from 4.00pm to 5.30pm. They...
Our Thinking
We are a curious bunch who thrive on sharing different perspectives and points of view.
This anthro life with Dr. Meena Kaushik
Tune in to hear Quantum's very own Dr Meena Kaushik on This Anthro Life podcast where she discusses the...
Talking Insights
In this episode, "The Lasting effects of Lockdown Living", Dr Kaushik, Founder of Quantum CS and Srikar Govindaraju at ESOMAR discuss the...
Managing risk during Covid
In this webinar film we explore three levels of risk mitigation that have emerged since the onset of COVID-19. In this webinar film we...
Design challenges in food & beverage
How do we use design to intentionally navigate the complexity emerging from the crisis, and not just stumble into predictable defaults? Maybe you’ve...
Designing for the gender experience
Watch our latest webinar here - “Designing for the Gender Experience”. In your family, who has cooked most of the meals during lockdown?...
An MRSI Webinar: Where to look for insights
Are we looking at the right place for the solutions? Where to look for the insights? Of course, when we research, knowing the ‘what’ and the ‘how’...
Designing for tomorrow
Watch the first episode in our webinar series here - Winning in the New Normal. When online dating sees the highest spike in video...
Quantum hosts MRSI Webinar (Wednesday, 20 May 2020)
We are excited to announce that our very own Anju Joseph, Partner & Business Head, India will be hosting a MRSI Webinar. Anju will be talking...