Webinar: The Ramadan consumer in a changed world

Nov 15, 2022 | Webinars

Webinar: The Ramadan consumer in a changed world - Quantum CS

Quantum Jakarta is hosting their first Consumer Perspectives Q & A – a virtual Zoom event on Thursday 24th November from 4.00pm to 5.30pm.

They will be bringing in a consumer panel consisting of men and women from different life stages – married, working, adults with children & single working adults to discuss:

  • Their experiences around Ramadan during the pandemic
  • Their hopes and expectations for an unrestricted Ramadan 2023
  • Their thoughts on how the inflation crisis will impact their behaviour and decision making

The event is designed to allow attendees to listen to consumer’s perspectives and expectations and offer an opportunity to ask consumers questions at the end of the discussion panel. 

We would love for you to be involved in the lively and insightful conversation that will help you gauge consumer sentiment around Ramadan 2023.

Don’t forget to RSVP at yohanes.yedija@quantumcs.com and include your question that you would like us to ask the consumers during panel discussion.

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